Out and About with Fiaker Schorsch

When you hear yodelling and horses’ hooves echoing around Filzmoos, a chat about the world and wife is waiting.

Walking through my home village of Filzmoos, I listen out for a well-known yodel melody, accompanied by horses’ whineing and hooves clip clopping which can often be heared in our small resort. Straighaway I recognise who’s singing this traditional song – of course the one-and-only “Fiaker Schorsch” himself. And so now I’m standing in front of him and his beautiful carriage, with which he almost daily rides up to the alpine pasture area. Schorsch is not only a well-known figure for me – regular guests to Filzmoos recognise him too and admire his unique appearance. And those who meet him, don’t forget him in a hurry.

As always he’s standing before me dressed in his coachman’s outfit - Austrian “lederhosen” leather trousers, shirt with waistcoat plus a hat decorated with moss and alpine flowers which has become – along with his proud Noriker horses – his trademark. His outward appearance is a part of him as his yodelling on a carriage ride. As at each meeting with Fiaker Schorsch, it’s not long before he’s whispering one of his sayings in my ear. “As it will never be the same as it was. If you want to experience it… come with me”. This invitation cannot be refused. Stopping at the Fiakerwirt in the centre of Filzmoos is a very special experience – each and every time.
I stop briefly to watch the rabbits, chickens, ducks, goats, donkey and of course horses on his farm and petting zoo. Fiaker Schorsch appreciates nature and in particular the animal kingdom – that’s obvious from his small empire, which he lovingly calls “Alt-Filzmoos” (Old Filzmoos). A little later I meet Fiaker Schorsch, as so often for a short chat with him about the world and his wife.Just these sort of chats, philosophic anecdotes, pieces of wisdom, advice as well as his jokes are what I and many others appreciated about him. His world-view is worth talking about and prompts many a local to stop by the Fiakerwirt for a chat.
It doesn’t matter whether he’s talking about the mountain landscape, unspoilt nature or about upholding tradition – the themes and stories for him to talk about are in his own words just as varied as our nature and the environment itself. Schorsch is and remains for me an unconventional thinker and unparalleled speaker. Although he is very attached to his home village, cherishes traditions and customs, he is by no means unworldly. He sees everyone as equal and treats everyone the same. The motto: “live and let live“ is his tip for all those, who are still searching: “Inner peace and gratitude for everything we have, are the most important things for spending a fulfilled existence on this earth“. Anyone wishing to hear more philosophical sayings and helpful suggestions or even the story of the “Black Madonna of the Alps, should pay “Fiaker Schorsch” a visit.

Here’s a sample – a poem from the unconventional thinker and philosopher (only in German): Geh in die Berge

Bist du gefangen dann reiß dich endlich los,geh in die Berge die Freiheit ist grenzenlos.Geh so weit wie ein Adler fliegen kann,und schau so wie das Auge Gottes das alles sehen kann.Halte inne wie ein Priester im Gebet,du wirst spüren wie es deinen Horizont erhellt.Lass deinen Emotionen freien Lauf,die Narben in der Seele und im Herzen brechen auf.Entscheide selbst welche Wege du gehen willst, du bist frei -du bist befreit von der Kette, die dich im Leben gefangen hältbrich sie für ein paar Tage entzwei.Hab keine Angst auf dem Weg zurückdie Kraft der Berge begleitet dich ein Stück.Bist du wieder leer und es fehlt dir der Mut,kehr zurück in die kleine Welt der Berge - es tut dir gut.(Copyright: Georg Vierthaler)

Fam. Vierthaler
Fiakerwirt 23
5532 Filzmoos
Tel.: + 43 (0) 6453 8209

Photo credit: TVB Filzmoos